The Nativity Story

Covering the 2006 movie "The Nativity Story," about the story of Mary and Joseph
and their journey together as they bring the Messiah into the world.

~~One Family. One Journey. One child, who would change the world. Forever.~~

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Saturday, September 09, 2006

"Nativity" to be shown at Heartland Film Festival

According to the tip-off from Peter Chattaway, "Nativity" will be given a screening at the Heartland Film Festival, in Indianapolis, on October 22. Catherine Hardwicke will also be there to answer questions.

Additional events include an opportunity to meet filmmakers and special guests at the Filmmakers’ Brunch; the World Premiere of "Air Buddies" at the Kids’ Movie Party; and an exclusive peek at film clips from the upcoming and much-anticipated New Line Cinema film “The Nativity Story” which includes a special Q&A with Director Catherine Hardwicke all on October 22.


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